The Gladstone Healthy Harbour Partnership (GHHP) presents its seventh annual report card to the community and stakeholders. The 2021 Gladstone Harbour Report Card contains the results calculated using 33 indicators derived from 107 different measures within the four components of harbour health: Environment, Economic, Social, and Cultural.
Monitoring since 2014 has shown that some indicators are stable from year to year. Because of this stability, some assessments will now be done every third or fifth year. For the 2021 Report Card, Social, Cultural, Economic and Mangroves were not assessed. For these indicators, the 2019 results, and in the case of Indigenous Cultural Heritage, the 2018 results have been carried over to 2021.
Overall, the Gladstone Harbour Report Card 2021 grade results were: Environmental health of Gladstone Harbour, good (B); Cultural health of Gladstone Harbour, satisfactory (C); Social health of Gladstone Harbour, good (B); and the Economic health of Gladstone Harbour, good (B).
The 2021 report card was the second time that the Environmental component grade was good (B).

Very good (0.85-1.00)

Good (0.65-0.84)

Satisfactory (0.5-0.64)


Very Poor

No data available