As a Partner of GHHP, the Partnership will ask for the following contributions:
Be part of the delivery of robust data, which provides a trusted sources of information delivered to the community in an easy to understand format, educating and informing the local community.
Participate in the decision-making processes in relation to the science and operation of the Partnership, including review and approval of the annual budget, governance, the Report Card, and other publications.
Your organisation will have connection with the Australian and Queensland Government programs such as the Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan, to which the GHHP Report Card contributes. As a partner of the GHHP, you will be contributing to making a difference to the future of the Great Barrier Reef.
An annual monetary or in-kind contribution towards GHHP.
As a GHHP partner, you will be recognised as having an interest in monitoring and reporting on the health of our waterways resulting in knowledge and opportunities for a healthy, accessible, working Harbour.
You'll take a valuable leadership on this high-profile commitment alongside government, mining, industry, research groups and the community, as well as keeping up to date with the latest water policies, planning and management.
Acknowledgement of your organisation’s contribution to GHHP, and its commitment to environmental and economical sustainability, cultural awareness, and the social well being of the region.
Utilisation of data and analyses backed by an Independent Science Panel (ISP), incorporating expert scientists to assist in making informed decisions and to demonstrate achievements.
Stronger and more favourable links to the community by demonstrating your organisation’s commitment to the environment in which you operate, providing positive marketing and public relation opportunities.
Professional development for your technical, environmental, and science staff.
Collaboration and networking opportunities with other diverse and influential stakeholders operating in the Gladstone region.
Your logo on all GHHP branding and reports.

To express your interest in joining the Gladstone Healthy Harbour Partnership as one of our partners, please complete the form below...